Today's Answer For Tomorrow's Parking Policies

Empower your municipality with our platform, using today's data to navigate tomorrow's urban planning challenges with confidence and strategic foresight.

TRUSTing our data-driven insights
AI generated picture of a city

On & Off-street

The integration of both On and Off-street parking solutions is paramount for ensuring efficient urban mobility and optimal use of public resources. The Parking Intelligence Platform offers municipalities a comprehensive solution tailored to managing both On and Off-street parking facilities seamlessly.

Data-driven Policies

With our data-driven approach, municipalities can navigate the complexities of parking management with precision, ensuring sustainable, equitable, and effective policies that enhance the urban experience for all.

Municipalities can achieve a holistic approach to parking management, fostering sustainable urban mobility and enhancing the quality of life within their communities.

AI generated picture of a person working behind a laptop with holographic icons
A parked car with a wheel clamp

Enforcement Allocation

Municipalities face the challenge of optimizing resources while ensuring compliance with parking regulations.

By analyzing parking occupancy patterns, violation rates, and enforcement effectiveness, SpecifAi Parking enables municipalities to allocate enforcement resources strategically, targeting high-impact areas and times.


Connected to Your Existing Systems

Our platform is effortlessly compatible with your systems for a truly unified management experience. No more excel sheets and back and forth emails to run your parking portfolio. All of your parking data is in one dashboard. Automated, available in real time, and forecasted.

SpecifAi Parking
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Turn data into dollars

anonimized Case Study

Optimizing Municipal Parking Management with SpecifAi Parking

The City of Rivertown, a bustling municipality with a growing population, faced persistent challenges in managing its public parking infrastructure effectively. With limited parking availability and increasing congestion in downtown areas, Rivertown sought a solution to enhance parking accessibility, alleviate traffic congestion, and improve overall urban mobility.

Partnering with
SpecifAi Parking

The City of Rivertown partnered with SpecifAi Parking to implement a comprehensive parking management solution tailored to the municipality's unique needs. SpecifAi Parking's platform offered advanced features for real-time parking occupancy monitoring, enforcement, and data analytics. By leveraging SpecifAi Parking's technology, the City aimed to optimize parking utilization, enhance compliance with parking regulations, and create a more efficient and accessible parking ecosystem for residents and visitors alike.

Improving Parking Efficiency

With SpecifAi Parking's platform in place, the City of Rivertown experienced notable improvements in parking efficiency. The real-time parking occupancy monitoring feature allowed city officials to gain insights into parking utilization patterns across different zones and time periods. This data-driven approach enabled the City to implement dynamic parking pricing strategies, optimize parking allocation, and reduce congestion in high-demand areas. Additionally, SpecifAi Parking's enforcement tools facilitated more efficient parking enforcement processes, enhancing compliance with parking regulations and improving traffic flow.

Enhancing Revenue Generation

Through their partnership with SpecifAi Parking, the City of Rivertown realized a significant increase in revenue from parking operations. By leveraging the platform's dynamic pricing capabilities and data analytics, the City was able to optimize parking rates, maximize revenue potential, and generate additional income streams. Furthermore, SpecifAi Parking's comprehensive reporting and analytics tools provided valuable insights into revenue trends, enabling the City to make informed decisions and allocate resources effectively. As a result, the City of Rivertown not only improved parking management but also enhanced its financial sustainability and ability to invest in future urban development initiatives.

Components and Functionality

Cloud and On-prem

Use the same processes to scan data in all locations.

Distributed Scanning

Use satellite scanning nodes to process data in residency regions or cloud locations.

Read more about our Data Security Platform and core technologies

Explore DSP

Virtually no false positives.

DataStealth is built for enterprise. With fast and easy integration that’s as simple as updating your DNS.

Data Lineage

Classification of not only where sensitive data is located, but also related objects and copies.

API, Demand, or Scheduled

Initiate scans via API integrations, on-demand, or scheduled to run off-hours or on a regular schedule.


Our Customers Are
Our Biggest Advocates.

We go beyond meeting needs to exceeding expectations, making every success story a shared victory. With us, you're not just picking a service; you're picking a partner. Ready to become a partner in success?

Daniel Hitchcock
Daniel Hitchcock
Managing director, First Parking Australia

"Decision-making has totally changed since SpecifAi Parking. We use 80% more data now, than before. We use it for: pricing strategy, new site evaluation, occupancy issues and marketing efforts. It’s been a blast so far, actually"

Martin Bartels
Martin Bartels
Operational Director, Parkeerbeheer Roosendaal

"The integration with our existing parking systems was seamless, resulting in a smooth data flow and clear visualizations. Parking data is now accessible to everyone in our organization, greatly simplifying data-driven decision-making. SpecifAi Parking has taken our parking services to the next level."

Brett Cohen
Brett Cohen
CEO at International Parking Group - Australia

"We have been using the SpecifAi Parking Platform since 2022. Gone are the days of manually compiling data in spreadsheets. SpecifAi Parking seamlessly integrates with our PARCS equipment, S&B systems across all our Australian locations, providing real-time data at any time. This instant access to data empowers us to make data-driven decisions that optimize our operations, boost efficiency, and ultimately, enhance the parking experience for our customers."